Saturday, July 19, 2008


Geezz...this woman was dumb.Sorry about the mess I make,Chris.If I didn't saw the new blogs that biiittcchhhhhh created, I wouldn't even care to post here.I do not intend to drag you into this.I just don't want people thoughts that is YOU who did this.Hacking a blog is just as simple as 1...2...3...(am a software engineer freaks!)that bitchhhhh thought it was you.Chris don't be didnt do it, so don't worry about the part of explaining to her.So to the world out there, this none of Chris's idea.And remember bbiiittcchhhh...beware of your web's stuff.Blog was just the start of the game.You wanted to know why I do it?Because you were acting like a were the one who dumped people..who being a physo "girlfriend",and in 1 put it all on Chris where she already bare all the pain ?? So long you biiiitttccchhh..

Listen here,if you wanna find me..My name is Tania..staying clue will on your new for it biiittcchhhh..

Sorry Chris for the mess.


Anonymous said...

man.. hahahah michelle ask me to check this place out. .and ure english is.. well..hahahahaa

Anonymous said...

i wonder who is really the bitch here. how petty can you get? i mean yeah, michelle's done some fucked up things. but who the fuck are you to judge her? you dont even fucking know her well. this just reflects badly on you tania, from bangsar, if thats really even your real name, and it shows that you're just a really immature person. Hacking a blog, jesus, are you sure you're a fucking software engineer and not some fucking kid who begged and whined to her big brother to do this? And telling Chris how sorry you are this is making a mess of things, you fucking knew it would make a mess of things. but fuck that, you just went and did it anyway, never mind the fact that other people grow up and get over failed relationships. wouldnt expect you to know anyway since you're so fucking immature and petty. At the risk of sounding hypocritical, IM judging you now because this hacking, its just so fucking petty and immature, its got me wondering if you're just some depressed person with nothing else better to do with life other than petty acts such as this.

i stay in bangsar too.Come find ME.



Misheru said...

uhhh~ i love u guys man! reading ur comments to 'tania' already made my day.